Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Progress killed at the expense of perfection

True confession, there is no perfect financial plan. Whew, there I said it. As a financial planner I would love to think that I could craft a bullet proof, perfect financial plan. The reality is that our life is complex and dynamic with many changing variables. When we come to terms with this reality, then we will not allow perfection to stop progress towards our financial goals.

The reality is that as we move through our life, our goals grow and change. Think back to the days when you where in college and all you could think about was just getting out of school and getting a job. Now perhaps you are married, have several kids, a house, a job, and who knows what else. Have your goals and plans changed and evolved? More then likely. So what's stopping you now from just taking some steps towards your financial plan? The reality is that until you start moving towards your financial plan you will not know how you need to adjust it.

Yet many people become paralyzed in committing to a plan for the future because they fear that either they wont achieve the plan or that it is the wrong plan. Don't let either of these fears stop you from creating and implementing a financial plan. Your financial plan should not be written in stone, but rather electronically so that it can be easily updated as you make new decisions.

Ultimately your plan will need updating, that is the one thing you can plan on.

What keeps you from moving forward with your financial plan? Please leave a comment.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ed. Great idea to keep inspired in spite of our lack of confidence and inertia.!
