Tuesday, August 27, 2013

2 Ways Faith Influence Money Decisions

Faith Moves Money Decisions

1. Your View - The way that you understand and see God can have a significant impact on your money decisions. For example, if you see God as rich and giving, then do you believe that God should provide for all of your needs and wants, or just the bare necessities? Or maybe you see God as stingy and harsh; does that make you want to hoard all the money you make and have? Reflect on how your view of God influences the way that you interact with money. Perhaps you buy certain things or spend in certain ways to please God. On the other hand, maybe you stay away from things like gambling, drinking, etc. to stay in God's good graces. Who knew your view of God could move your money decisions?

2. Your Faith Community - What has your preacher, pastor, or spiritual leader taught you about money: that you should be giving more or face Hell (a bit extreme in my book)? More likely, they have taught you to give to the church-building fund, community fund, tithing, world relief organization... and the list goes on (none of these things are inherently bad). What about your family and friends who go to church; how do they view money as it relates to God? Maybe you always go out to lunch after service... I bet you didn't think about your faith influencing your money decisions that way, did you?

Now, take a few minutes to consider this... Could it be that we don't own anything?! God has simply given us a responsibility to be good stewards of what He has provided us. If that is the case, how would you spend your money differently?

Feel free to give me a call to talk more at 980-275-1627.

Ed Coambs

Edited by Reena Arora of Arora Media, connect on Facebook
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Friday, August 16, 2013

What Influences You?

What influences you? For most of us, it is a combination of what I like to call the three Fs: Faith, Family, and Friends. Each one of these plays a significant role in the way we relate to the world and our finances.  

In the next three posts, I will further explore how they impact the way we see ourselves and money.  

Feel free to give me a call to talk more at 980-275-1627.

Ed Coambs

Edited by Reena Arora of Arora Media, connect on Facebook
For all your communication needs, she is all you need.

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