Tuesday, October 1, 2013

3 Reasons why Success is Elusive

Let's face it, we are a culture infatuated with success. From the shows on TV, to magazines in stores, and blogs dedicated to the subject, success is deeply ingrained in our culture. Yet when I ask people about success, many don't feel like they have reached success yet. Why is this? Here are three reasons I think that so many of us feel like success is elusive.

1. You and your spouse have a different idea about what success looks like.

2. You change your mind about what success looks like.

3. You have had some successes, but shortly there after the goal increases. Then you achieve that bigger goal, and again the goal becomes bigger, and the cycle continues this way leaving you chasing that feeling of success.

So success is getting 80% of the way there, because by the time you get to that point, you are likely starting to set up your next target. This is why life becomes a series of progressive successes, the important thing to remember as you move through life is to enjoy the peaks of success, but not to despair when you cross over the peak and are back down in the valley. Just look up again to where you are headed. Success is not done until you stop looking up the mountain for the next opportunity.

With this in mind now think about your financial life. Would a 20 year old you, look at the 30 year old you and say WOW you are successful? Would the 30 year old you look at the 50 year old you and say Wow you are successful? Hopefully.

The problem for most of us is that we quickly forget that are former successes are now just our normal. As a teenager you dreamed of having a car, and now you take it for granted. As a young adult you dreamed of buying a home, and now you want the next larger home. Coming out of college you just wanted to land a job, and now you want to get the six figure job. The list could go on in this fashion.

My question to you is, are you successful? My answer is I am.

Don't stop reaching for new heights, but recognize that you are successful.

Please leave a comment telling me about your biggest accomplishment.

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