Thursday, October 24, 2013

Making The Most of Your Marriage and Money Relationship

What are you doing to increase your effectiveness in your marriage and with money? Both of these areas require continuing effort to increase your level of satisfaction with either one. It is my belief that if you improve your marriage you financial position will improve, and that if you improve your financial position you will improve your marriage. Marriage and Money issues are linked. They both require attention.

We to often see education as an expense and not an investment. Sure you often have to give up some time and pay some money to learn, but what you learn in return should pay you back in spades. When you study and apply healthy marriage and money habits over time you build a deep resource pool to draw on when you face the challenging times. The best time to prepare for challenges is when there are none.

In no particular order here are 5 of my favorite books that address either marriage or money topics.

1. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. Why you should read it, to learn how your spouse receives love differently then you do and how to respond to them in a way so that they will feel loved.

2. Love Talk by Drs. Les & Leslie Parrot. Why you should read it, practical guidance on creating time and space to talk with your spouse.

3. Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson EggerichsWhy you should read it, to understand the cycle that often leaves you in conflict.

4. The Millionaire Mind by Thomas Stanley. Why you should read it, to disspell many of the myths you may have about what it is like to be rich.

5. Smart Couples Finish Rich by David Bach Why you should read it, this is the most practical book on everything from getting organized, to managing debt, to investing. Start here if you don't know where else to start as a couple.

When you take time to understand how your marriage and money can work together, then you not only impact your life, but the life's of many others. Let's face it, wether you love, hate or are indifferent about money it impacts your marriage. You might as well make the most of it, and make it meaningful.

How do you make the most of your marriage and money relationship? Please leave a comment.

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