Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Creating Vision, Just like a Polaroid Photo

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to clearly develop your vision for the future?

There are many moving pieces to developing your vision for the future, it can be confusing to determine which pieces should take priority. I was recently reflecting on this issue myself and thought about it this way. Clarifying your values is like taking a polaroid photo, (for those of you born in the 80's and earlier)  when you take the picture you hope that you got everyone smiling and in the right pose. The picture comes out of the camera and you shake it for clarity. Then after a few minutes you realize you didn't quite get the photo you hoped for, so you start over. You get everyone lined up again, take another photo, shake it, nope still not a good enough photo. One more time you get everyone lined up, take the photo, shake it and realize nope still not a great photo. But by now you and everyone else is frustrated and ready to just get on with the activity of the day, and so you live with the photo that you have taken.

This can also be how you develop your vision. You get everything lined up again, take a snap shot, shake it, realize it is not perfect and keep on going, knowing that in time you can start the process again. We don't often get the right picture on the first try and it takes effort to get the final shot we want.

In this modern day of digital technology with instant feedback, we expect the rest of our life to work that way. We take a digital photo and we instantly know whether we are happy with it, or if we need to another photo. But in our everyday life, we seldom get that quick of feedback, sometimes it takes days, weeks, months, or years before we can become really clear about where we are headed.

So take your time, take multiple shots at it, and realize that when you get frustrated you can take another shot at your vision later. Allow your vision to develop over time. It will evolve as you get more information.

How is your vision developing? Please leave a comment.

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