Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Where Did All The Money Go?

Do you ever wake up at the end of the month and wonder where all the money went? Perhaps this is something you ask your spouse. Many couples are baffled because they honestly believe they do not spend that much. Sure, a little bit goes here and a little bit goes there, but that can’t possibly all add up to the family paycheck - or does it? Getting a grip on how money flows through your life can help you start setting priorities for where and when you want the money to move. 

There are three different types of expenses in life.

Fixed Expenses - Most of us feel like so many of our expenses are fixed, and we could not lower them or reduce them if we wanted to. But the reality is that most of our "fixed" expenses are actually semi-fixed, which I explain below. A fixed expense is the amount of money you need to sustain basic life: putting a roof over your head, food in your belly, and clothes on your back. While it is not desirable to live at the minimum, it does take a basic level of income to sustain life, and depending on where you live in the world, that number varies.

Semi-Fixed Expenses - This is where our socioeconomic level really starts to fool us into thinking that our costs are fixed. Whatever part of town we live in starts to dictate our standard of living. This happens in part because we are social creatures, and while we pride ourselves on individuality, we often end up reflecting the values of the community around us. At whatever socioeconomic level you live, there is an implied minimum standard of living. When you take time to recognize how that standard is at work in your life, then you can start to make decisions about how you want to spend your money. 

For example, when you move into a new neighborhood, you will intuitively be aware of the types of cars people drive, yard maintenance they keep, birthday parties they have for their kids, vacations they take, restaurants where they eat, career choices they make and the list goes on. All of this information informs at a subconscious level the decisions each family makes with their money. (Think of the old adage “keeping up with the Joneses.”) 

Variable Expenses - This category reflects the differences in how each family allocates money toward their semi-fixed expenses. Some families love going out to eat together, while others value private school or want to win Garden of the Month. Ultimately, variable expenses represent the individual choices of families regarding how they want to live out their life. 

As a couple, one of the most important things you can do to help advance your financial life together is to make intentional time for discussing family values. As a family better understands what it really values, they will start to make more intentional decisions about where the money goes.

Here are three questions to ask your spouse to clarify family values.

1. Which semi-fixed expenses do you feel are getting too much of our family’s money (vacations, home upgrades, vehicles, etc.) and why?

2. What is one area of our life that is not getting the financial attention it needs (bills, debt, retirement, etc.)? 

3. When we look back on our lives, what do we want to be able to say we did with our lives?

Feel free to give me a call to talk more at 980-275-1627.

Ed Coambs

Edited by Reena Arora of Arora Media, connect on Facebook
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