Thursday, May 15, 2014

From Stuck to Un-Stuck

When we get stuck trying to solve a financial problem, what do we do? More often than not, Google. That's right - Google has all the answers we need at our finger tips. With one good search, we can solve any problem: budgeting, investing, saving, couponing, starting a business, you name it. 

Our thinking goes that, if we can just find the right information about managing money, then we will not be financial stuck anymore. 

But is this reality? No. Absolutely not.

Information alone often does not move people from a place of feeling stuck. Addressing feelings, beliefs and relationship dynamics, then taking action - that’s what gets people un-stuck.

We all have negative feelings about money, organizing, investing, profit, math, the economy, etc. that are old and well-ingrained (from our family, friends, and spiritual life). We also have subconscious fight-flight reactions that interfere with our ability to take in financial information and integrate it in a way that matches what we believe.

Moving from “stuck” to  “unstuck” takes intention. Here are three simple questions to ask yourself to get you rolling again.

1. What do I believe to be true about whatever financial topic has me stuck?  

2. Where did this belief come from? 

3. What purpose does this belief serve, and how does it limit my ability to live in a way that I desire? 

Moving from stuck to un-stuck is a process. Asking questions of yourself can help identify your sticking points. If you really are stuck and can’t make progress on your own then it is time to call in the help of an expert. Appropriate experts might include either a Certified Financial Planner or Counselor.

Feel free to give me a call to talk more at 980-275-1627.

Ed Coambs

Edited by Reena Arora of Arora Media, connect on Facebook
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