Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Let go of your agenda and get to know your partner

I was recently venting to a friend about how busy I ‘ve been lately and what a struggle it has been to connect with my wife on a daily basis.

We’ve all been there with our significant others; that moment when our impatience prevails, and we think (or even say),“I don't have time to listen right now, honey. Just tell me what I need to know before I have to head to my next meeting, kids’ event, or whatever else requires my immediate attention.” Over time, the frantic pace of life can cause a distant feeling in our marriages. If that distance is left unattended for too long, it can most definitely lead to conflict.

So, how do we prevent conflict when we sense it on the horizon? For me, it boils down to making time to converse with my wife without an agenda. Too often when we engage with our spouses, is the dialogue ends up being about necessary details that keep life moving forward. Our son’s baseball game. The dog’s veterinary appointment. The car needing to go to the mechanic (definitely not dating fodder, so why should it dominate the discussion now?). Because of this, we miss the opportunity to inquire about how the other person is doing and feeling, which is vital to maintaining any meaningful relationship

Tips for Talking
- Share with your spouse that you want to hear how they are doing, not what they are doing.
- Find a quiet room in the house (no TV, no tablet, no children) and ask your spouse what he/she dreams about.
- Go for a walk with no direction or distance in mind. Allow the conversation to dictate your path.
- For something more romantic, take a bath together. Don’t be afraid of intimacy.

When we stop and remember that we married our spouses to be in a lifelong relationship with them and not just to get things done, we can take the time to move from the necessary exchange of information to the heart of connecting conversation: sharing feelings, hopes, aspirations and dreams.

Want advice on starting your own action plan? Give me a call at 980-275-1627.

Talk to you soon,
Ed Coambs

Edited by Reena Arora of Arora Media, connect on Facebook
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