Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Finding your financial voice

There are more personal finance guru’s out there than you can shake a stick at. How do you know who to trust, and what advice do you integrate into your life? Oh, there are so many questions when considering the variety of financial tips and tricks that are available.

But the real challenge is to find your own financial voice. What do you believe to be true about the value of money? Is this something you share or keep to yourself? Knowing yourself – spiritually, mentally, emotionally – is one of the most important parts of the human journey. I ask you to know yourself financially as well. Define for yourself what you believe to be true about money. Stop looking at external influences for a moment, and spend some time writing down all that you believe to be true about money.

Understanding our thoughts, beliefs and feelings will be helpful in creating the financial life we want, but it’s important to note that some will also be limiting. The challenge is to separate which ones to keep and which ones should go. However, you won't know how to proceed until you have taken the time to know what you think, believe and feel about money.

Try this simple exercise. Look at each word below, and write down the first feelings/ideas that come to mind next to them.






Now that you have taken action, continue with other money- related words that stimulate strong responses for you, and write down your first thoughts to those as well.

If you really want to step up your growth, share this with your spouse and ask if he or she would be willing to do the same with you. You will be amazed at what you learn about how your partner sees money.

Feel free to give me a call to talk more at 980-275-1627.

Ed Coambs

Edited by Reena Arora of Arora Media, connect on Facebook
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