Thursday, December 5, 2013

He's 94 and says keep working. What?

Title: He’s 94 and said what?
Many of us – including me – dream about the day when we no longer have to work and we have the freedom to do whatever we want with our time. We want to pursue great things like taking long vacations, pursuing art, and playing with our kids or grandkids. So, you can imagine my surprise when a 94-year-old man at my local YMCA got me to reconsider this idea. As he strolled by the table where I was sitting, he said something that struck me.

”Keep working,” he insisted. “It’s what keeps me going, and I’m 94.”

This one, short sentence got my attention.  As I reflected on this simple yet profound piece of advice, I realized a lot of us think NOT working will bring us happiness, but the most content people I’ve met in my life seem to be the ones who are working. However they’re not doing things for the sake of doing them. Rather, they’re focused on a job about which they are intensely passionate. As I considered this connection between work and passion, I realized that work can create great value in our lives and the lives of others. So, when the role you have allows you to consistently create value for others (and therefore yourself), why would you want to stop?

The lesson from this brief encounter is that meaningful work (not just a job for the sake of doing a job) can keep you going for many years to come. When we look forward to a life of creating value for others, we can no longer imagine not working in some way, shape or form. This leads me to where I am in life right now. I am so passionate and excited by my work with married couples who say money arguments are their number one issue. I love working with couples to help them look at both the actual argument and all the emotions, fears, and feelings behind the argument to unlock why they keep fighting about money. Once this happens and the smiles return to the couples faces, I experience tremendous joy, knowing that I have helped the couple overcome a major hurdle in their life.

How do you create value and meaning for yourself and others through your work?

What steps do you need to take to increase the value of your work?

Sometimes, all it takes to change your perspective on work is to reframe the way you see 
your role at and in work.

Want advice on starting your own action plan? Give me a call at 980-275-1627.

Talk to you soon,
Ed Coambs

Edited by Reena Arora of Arora Media, connect on Facebook
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