Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Trust is A Key Ingredient to Financial Success

Why don't you feel like you are moving towards financial success?

Could it be that you don't trust the very elements that will help create financial success?

When I talk with people about building towards financial success, they tell me some of the most interesting stories about why they can't, won't or haven't built financial success.

Here is a short list of what I have heard...
I don't trust the stock market, people loose a lot of money there.
I don't trust the real estate market, look at how housing prices fell.
I don't trust the economy, it is not predictable.
I don't trust my spouse they are always...
I don't trust myself, every time I get some money saved an "emergency" comes up.
I don't trust the government, those democrats/republicans are the reason we are in the mess we are in.
I don't trust the international stock market, it is to risky.

When you walk around effectively saying I don't trust xyz, then it makes it hard to use that as a tool to build towards financial success. This is why I encourage people when I work with them to evaluate what they don't trust. Once they identify what they don't trust then we can find ways to work on building trust.

When you understand how investing, the government, the economy, or the international markets really work, not just how you have heard about how they work, you can start to see that in fact we are in a great position to build towards financial success.

When it comes to you and your spouse, sure you have made some bad marriage and money decisions. But you have the power to learn from those bad decisions. It can start with rebuilding trust in your relationship through having honest communication about your feelings.

The Lesson: The things you don't understand or misunderstand make it hard to trust. Learn to understand how the financial markets really work, and how you and your spouse really relate and then you will be on the path to trusting the tools that will build financial success.

Feel free to give me a call to talk more, 980-275-1627.

Ed Coambs

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